NDLEA Cut Off Mark For 2023/2024 Recruitment Screening Test
NDLEA Cut Off Mark For 2023/2024 Recruitment Screening Test – NDLEA test cut off mark – candidates who sat or about to sit for the 2023 National Drug Law Enforcement Agency’s recruitment screening test would like to know their chances Of getting job offer. One of the key factors that determine if one would be recruited into the NDLEA is the candidate’s performance in the recruitment aptitude test. In this article, we shall discuss in details the NDLEA cut off mark for 2023 recruitment screening test.
It is essential that you know the cut-off mark of the NDLEA recruitment exam even before attempting the exam. This will let you know whether you need an extra studying or not.
What is NDLEA Test Cut-off Mark?
This is the minimum score a candidate must have to get through the next stage of the recruitment processes of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency. This does not mean that your test score will secure the job for you, rather, it can only take you to the next recruitment stage, which is physical screening of your credentials. For example; an applicant who scored more than the cutoff mark will be shortlisted for physical screening of credentials, while those who scored below the cutoff point are more likely to be discarded right away.
It is crucial to keep in mind that the NDLEA test is a competitive exam. This is different from any other exams that you might have taken in schools or elsewhere. For example; in the school exam, candidates study to make good grades, unlike NDLEA recruitment test where you have to compete with millions of other applicants to be shortlisted..
In the school test, your success depends on how much efforts you have put in, but in the NDLEA test, your success depends on how many people you scored higher than in the exam.
Example; If you get the job, there are many others who will not get because you have occupied the available slot. Now, you have seen why it’s a competitive exam, and you shouldn’t
share your strategies with others.
NDLEA Exam Cut off Mark For 2023 Recruitment
The cutoff mark for the NDLEA recruitment screening test is 40%, but candidates are expected to score 80% and above in order to have a greater chance of being shortlisted for the next recruitment stage. Therefore, it is not about passing the test, but about scoring higher than other candidates.
Note: if you have taken the NDLEA screening test and scored above 40%, you have passed the test, but selection will begin with the highest scores.
Candidates who have not taken the test should not be in a rush. We advise you to pause, think and make a good start. You may like to download NDLEA recruitment screening past questions and answers to help yourself.
Originally posted 2023-05-08 10:29:15.