N-power Nasims Account Validation Link 2023
N-power Nasims Account Validation Link 2023 – Before we begin, we would like to remind you that you do not need to confirm your account again if you have already received your Npower payment as a Npower batch C2 Beneficiary and are confident that all of your information is accurate.
Remember that we provided an update a few days ago informing you that Npower will distribute validation links to all Npower batch C 2 beneficiaries in order to verify their accounts. If you missed that update, you can read it here.
Npower will provide account validation links to all batch C2 customers due to a payment issue.
The verification notice that Npower delivered to Batch C2 N-Power Beneficiaries reads as follows:
“This is to notify you that we encountered issues validating the details you provided on your N-Power
(NASIMS) profile. This could be due to error in data entry or in the case of your bank account, invalid/inactive account.”“Kindly use the link below to validate your BVN and account details to continue maintaining your status on
the N-Power Program. Link:
https://validation.nasims.ng “
Please if you do not have any issues with your payment, Npower Nasims Profile information, kindly ignore this.
Originally posted 2023-03-19 20:56:19.